jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

vervos en pasado presente y futuro

Actividades con verbos irregulares

vervos irregulares

Infinitivo Pasado Participio Traducción
Infinitivo Pasado Participio Traducción
write wrote written escribir
wring wrung wrung torcer
withdraw withdrew withdrawn retirar(se)
wind wound wound enrollar
win won won ganar
weep wept wept llorar
weave wove woven tejer
wear wore worn llevar (puesto)
wake woke woken despertar(se)
upset upset upset afligir
understand understood understood entender
undergo underwent undergone sufrir
tread trod trodden pisar
throw threw thrown lanzar
think thought thought pensar
tell told told contar, decir
tear tore torn romper(se)
teach taught taught enseñar
take took taken tomar(se)
swing swung swung balancear(se)
swim swam swum nadar
sweep swept swept barrer
swear swore sworn jurar
strive strove striven esforzarse
strike struck struck golpear
stink stank stunk apestar
sting stung stung picar
stick stuck stuck pegar(se)
steal stole stolen robar
stand stood stood estar de pie
spread spread spread extender(se)
spoil spoilt spoilt estropear(se)
split split split hender
spit spat spat escupir
spill spilt spilt derramar
spend spent spent pasar, gastar
spell spelt spelt deletrear
speed sped sped acelerar
speak spoke spoken hablar
sow sowed sown sembrar
smell smelt smelt oler
slide slid slid resbalar
sleep slept slept dormir
sit sat sat sentar(se)
sink sank sunk hundir(se)
sing sang sung cantar
shut shut shut cerrar(se)
shrink shrank shrunk encoger(se)
show showed shown mostrar


 One of the uses of simple present is to express an action that is repeated or usual. the action can be a habit, a pastime, a dalily event, a scheduled or programmed event, or somenthing that occurs frequently.
simple present is also used to express something that  a  persom fortor or does not normally do.
in a timelina we can repredent the simple present tense like this  

Resultado de imagen para simple present ejemplos
Resultado de imagen para simple present ejemplos